danziger & de llano, LLP.

Did using Elmiron® for Interstitial Cystitis Damage your Eyes?

You may be entitled to significant compensation for medical expenses, pain, or loss of work. Complete the online form or call 1-800-810-7915.


Elmiron claims

Elmiron use Lead to Damage to the Eyes

Elmiron (Pentosan Polysulfate, or PPS) is manufactured by Janssen Pharmaceuticals. It is the only FDA-approved drug used to treat interstitial cystitis. This incurable condition affects more than 200,000 people per year, with women being four times more likely than men to experience its symptoms. Though Elmiron's exact mechanism is not fully understood, it has been found to provide relief when taken continuously.

Elmiron has been on the market for over twenty years. However, in the Spring of 2018, researchers from the Emory Eye Center submitted a letter to the editor of the Journal of Urology, notifying them of "vision-threatening retinal changes associated with long-term exposure to PPS." Those changes followed the use of standard dosages of the medication raging from 200 to 400 mgs per day for a median of 15.5 years, with greater usage of the medication being directly linked to more extensive damage to the eye.

Elmiron claims

Elmiron Lawsuits are Being Filed

Patients who have experienced difficulty reading, vision loss, or difficulty seeing in dimmed or lower lights after having been prescribed Elmiron may be eligible to file a lawsuit against Janssen Pharmaceuticals. Elmiron has also been reported to cause several other side effects, including alopecia, bruising, diarrhea, gerd, headaches, rashes and insomnia.

To qualify to file a lawsuit, you must meet the following criteria:

  • You must have been prescribed and taken Elmiron since 1996.
  • You must have been clinically diagnosed with maculopathy (an eye disorder affecting the central part of the retina) or other serious eye damage.
  • Maculopathy can consist of any of numerous types of eye damage, but the conditions that have been associated with the use of Elmiron are those identified as "pigmentary maculopathy of unknown etiology." Symptoms include:
    • Parafoveal pigmented deposits (capillaries and small blood vessels around the macula become abnormal and result in loss of vision)
    • Vitelliform deposits (lesions that form underneath the macula)
    • Retinal pigment epithelium atrophy (a symptom of age-related macular degeneration)
    • Hyperpigmented spots on the retina
Elmiron claims

How can an Elmiron Lawsuit Help me?

Filing an Elmiron lawsuit could lead to receiving compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering and additional economic and non-economic injuries that you suffered as a result of the use of Elmliron.

Contact us and we'll provide you with a no-cost evaluation of the compensation you could receive. Our review is completely free, and if we represent you and you are compensated you'll pay no out-of-pocket costs at all.


Our experienced team will evaluate your claim and help you maximize the amount of money you receive. Time is limited. Act now to receive compensation.

CALL 1-800-810-7915